Name: Ruchita Kankrecha Semester: 4 Paper: Mass communication and media Studies Department of English Roll No: 27 Topic: Cinema and Society Introduction: “Of all the terms used by critics to characterise mainstream Indian cinema, realism defined in the negative or as a systematic absence has undoubtedly had the most currency. Conversely, the achievement of realism in a film becomes a mark of value, a sign of sincerity, the truthfulness on the part of the filmmaker of "authenticity" of the martial presented. " (S. Chakravarty 1993 : 80) Cinema is a reflection of society, both present as well as past. Cinema is a good vehicle for culture, education, modern social structures etc. It is said that, the prior or main function of cinema is to delight the audience or to entertain. But cinema is part of literature. Cinema is not just for entertainment but cinema represents our society. What kind of movie can be ...