This blog is a part of Thinking activity given by our sir (Dr. Dilip Barad) , here is the blog link of him click here. In the this blog task, we have to watch the video which is given in sir's blog and have to think and write. We all are using technology in one or another way. As know that technology is center part of everyday lives. We all are using technology in one or another way. Students love to use technology. They are interested because they are using. Technology is important in classroom because its open different ways of communication in our modern world. Today, we have massive amounts of information are available at one’s fingertips through the Internet, and opportunities for formal learning are available online worldwide through the Khan Academy, MOOC, podcasts, traditional online degree programs, and more. Following are some videos in which you can see that how technology help us in a different way and many other important things. Sugata Mitra : ...