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Workshop on Quality and Authenticity of Web Resources

"The internet has changed the very meaning of ‘research’."
- Pew Internet and American Life Project

Today we had a workshop on how to find authentic sources from the Internet, how to do qualitative analysis, SEER and plagiarism. As we know that the Internet has so many sources or materials for all the faculties. But nobody knows how to find authentic materials from the Internet. We all work with technology and we enjoy working with technology. Nobody can do as much work as technology Does. The Internet has many sources, but we have to find the right source for us. Every source has its importance.
If we talk about Wikipedia, Everyone thinks Wikipedia is a good source But you can't say that this is authentic. As we know that the founder of Wikipedia is Jimmy Wales. Jimmy wales struggled a lot. He believed that people could learn more through self education. He decided to create a website and he called this site as Wikipedia. But for that he worked hard because if you want to write something then you have to read more and more. After sometime, many people join his site and Wikipedia became the world's greatest online encyclopedia. If you think you can do anything.
In the workshop, first we read one article which was sent by our sir. In the article, there were some interesting points such as,

1. How do students research in digital age?
2. Evaluating Online Sources
3.Source Educational Evaluation Rubric (SEER)

After that sir told us to find three sites and do qualitative analysis of the site and we also have to write why you think that this is good source for you or for others in a one or two sentences. So we done some work on how you can find authentic website or how you can do qualitative analysis of sites. Following are some points which we have to keep in a mind while doing analysis of source.

1. Authoritative
2. Educational values
3. Intent
4. Originality
5. Quality

We worked in a group and following is our work.

1. Lit charts :

This is best site. But the website is run by 22 year old Harvard grads and considering this information, so the authoritative value is low. The quality of the content is good but works are not cited properly.

2. :

This is also a good site but the content is not well cited neither is there any specification regarding the writer. So you can read but you have to be careful.

3. Supersummry. Com :

In the site, there were some author but don't have their names. So that is one problem of this site. The intent of the site is quite good to provide basic information of the things.
So we enjoyed a lot and we got an idea that how to find good sources from Internet. So I would like to thank Dr. Dilip Barad sir for organizing this wonderful workshop.


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