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Article 15 movie review

Article in the constitution of India :

When we read this word, the first question which comes in our mind is that what is an article in the constitution of India and who was the pioneer of the article. So World's lengthiest written constitution had 395 articles in 22 parts. But now India has 448 articles in 25 parts. In the articles, there were various acts and laws that are important for our nation. In simple words,
     "Article is a guideline in the constitution of India for forming the rules. It is rather a principle of defining an act.".

What is Article 15 in the Indian constitution :

As we all know that in Indian constitute there are many Articles. Among all, Article 15 is very important for the nation. Article 15 deal with the fundamental rights of the citizens of India and this Article deals with the various issues related to "Rights to equality". For example in our nation, we can find that there is caste conflict. If you belong to Dalit caste then people will not give you respect but if you belong to the Brahmins then people give you more respect. This kind of conflict we can see in our nation in this century. If we see all the articles then all are dedicated to protecting the Individual rights like  

1. freedom of speech
2. religious freedom
3. cultural freedom
4. women rights so on. 

There is some scope of fundamental rights as per Article 15. Fundamental rights are all the citizens of the country universally irrespective of 

Place of birth. 

The scopes are  

1s(1) State shall not Discriminate
1s(2) No citizen shall Discriminate
1s(3) Special provisions for Woman and Children
1s(4) Advancement of Backward class
1s(5) Special provision and Advancement of Education.

Title of the movie : 

Article 15, the title itself suggests that the film brought to light the article 15 of Indian Constitution, Central Government Act which states the prohibition of discrimination on the grounds of religion, race, caste, sex or place of birth.

About the movie Article 15 :

Article 15 a movie directed by Anubhav Sinha. The movie is based on Article 15 which prohibits discrimination on the grounds of religion, race, cast, the place of birth and sex. The story based on some real events like "Badaun gang rape allegation in 2014 and una flogging incident in 2016."
It is always important that how you start your movie. How do you start? From some imaginative world? From journey? From home or family? Or the most important thing you want to show the real world.  So it is up to you. The movie starts with a beautiful song by Bob Dylan 'How many Roads'. 

'How many roads must a man walk down
Before you call him a man?
How many seas must a white dove sail
Before she sleeps in the sand?
How many times must the cannon balls fly
Before they're forever banned?
The answer, my friend, is blowin' in the wind
The answer is blowin' in the wind
How many years can a mountain exist
Before it's washed to the sea?
How many years must some people exist
Before they're allowed to be free?
And how many times can a man turn his head
And pretend that he just doesn't see - the answer
The answer, my friend, is blowin' in the wind
The answer is blowin' in the wind'

The movie capture contemporary time :

How do you capture the contemporary time in your movie? When you are showing the things that we are doing in real life it is a very important factor. You can connect the things when you watch. of course, we all are doing this during our journey or during talking with others. Like when you start your journey, you always share everything with your family or with your friends through WhatsApp or through another app. I found this in this movie like when the movie starts the protagonist Ayan Ranjan talking on WhatsApp with his closest friend Aditi. So we all are doing this during our journey or we start reading something. The other thing is that in this century, we are believing in cast systems. We all believe that Dalit cast is very bad cast. If you belong to Dalit cast then other people will not stay with you or in fact they will not touch you. Rape also happens in this century. So in contemporary time, we can see the following points 

1. Caste systems

2. Rape 
3. Power of politics

1. Caste system :

When you meet someone they will first ask one question that what is your cast? Why cast is important for our country? In our country, there are many castes and sub-caste. There are more than 3000 castes in India. We can see that each jati has some unique job, but not everyone in the jati performs it. Like carpenters who do not build, and Brahmins who do not act as priests. We can also see this conflict in marriage. People will try to marry off their sons and daughters to members of their same jati. We can also see the three divisions in a society like 

1. Upper class

2. Middle Class
3. Lower class

The upper class has the power to control society. The lower class has to follow them without asking questions. In the one, if the article of TOI one of the Sociologist Professor G. K. Karanth speaks about ‘concealed ‘concealed untouchability’ by dominant castes and ‘active withdrawal' by Dalits. He says that
    "Dalits Avoid some places like temple, Barber's shop or hotel where they won't be served or entertained. It’s a defence mechanism to escape rejection and humiliation."
So in the movie, we can see the same kind of issues in the village. In the village, there were large numbers of Dalit. We can see the mob lynching in the movie. Dalit cannot eat anything on Brahmins temple because they belong to a very bad cast which is known as Untouchable. In the movie, we can see this scene. So according to my perspective movie capture real country.
The other thing is that if you are belonging to some lower cast than you have to sacrifice. Like in the movie we can see that the police told both Daughter's fathers that you close the case and say that my daughters are bad and everything is done by us. So we can see how power works in society. The movie also ended with the equation that 
         " what is your caste?"

2. Rape : 

Rape is the most common crime against women. We can find some real incident. The real incidents are,

1. The gang rape of a 23-year-old student on a public bus, on 16 December 2012.
2. In August 2013, a 22-year-old photojournalist, who was interning with an English-language magazine in Mumbai, was gang-raped by five persons.
3. On 14 March 2015, a 71-year-old nun was allegedly gang-raped in Ranaghat.
4. On 17 January 2018, Asifa, an 8-year old minor girl, was raped and murdered in Rasana village near Kathua in Jammu and Kashmir.

So we can see that mostly the rapes are happening with teenage girls. The movie, mainly about a young and educated IPS officer Ayan Ranjan investigating for three teenage Dalit girls. Among three girls, with two girls rape is happening and after that, girls hanged on a tree and really it was a horrible scene of the movie. I must say The movie represents the real world. What is wrong with our country? The question is why they did this because they were asking for 28 rupees?

3. Power of politics :

We can also see the politics in the movie. political parties represent different sections among the Indian society and regions. In the movie, there are CBI officer Nassar. Nassar is not good CBI officer because he wants to close the case and he wants to prove that it was suicide or murder by both Daughter's father. There were other police officers like him.  But Ayan proves it that it was rape. So we can see the power of a high post.

Scenes and Dialogues of the movie :

I found some interesting Scenes and Dialogues in the movie. All the Scenes are beautifully captured by the director. Moves of the camera were also good. Close up Scenes are best. I found some interesting and heart touching dialogues,

# “ये उस किताब की नहीं चलने देते जिसकी ये शपथ लेते है।“
# "मैं राइटर बनना चाहता था... और साइंटिस्ट भी... फिर सोचा कि शायद साइंस का राइटर बन जाऊंगा। कुछ भी न हुआ साला! क्योंकि पैदा जहां हुआ वहां पैदा होना ही एक भयानक एक्सीडेंट जैसा था।"
#  ''सर तीन लड़कियां अपनी दिहाड़ी में सिर्फ 3 रुपये एक्स्ट्रा मांग रही थीं. जो मिनरल वाटर आप पी रहे हैं उसके दो या तीन घूट के बराबर. इस गलती की वजह से उनका रेप हो गया सर. और उनको मारकर एक पेड़ पर टांग दिया गया ताकि पूरी जात को उनकी औकात याद रहे.''

  Role of Female characters in the movie :

We can not find female officers in the movie. But Aditi and Gaura play an important role in the movie. Aditi's Dialogues are very interesting and maybe Ayan gets motivate from her. Her very interesting Dialogue is

"मुझे हीरो नहीं चाहिए अयान, बस ऐसे लोग जो हीरो का वेईट ना करे".

As we all know that when something happens with us we always wait for others.  Why we should wait for others? Why we can not do? Why we need a hero? 
This is only happening in the movie but in real life, you have to fight for yourself. As we know that in our society there are characters like Kabir Singh. So don't wait for others. Gaura's acting and Dialogues are also interesting.
We can also find some of the symbols in the movie like book, rain, train, journey etc.
So the movie is good and the mirror of society. And the movie represents the real world.  
So we Enjoyed a lot. I would like to Thank Tanishq Jewellery, bhavnagar for sponsorship. I would like to Thank Dr. Dilip Bharat sir and Film screening committee for organised this wonderful event.



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