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The waste land by T. S Eliot

Introduction :

"The Waste land" is one of the most important poem of 20th Century by T.S Eliot, published in 1922. This poem is an Experiment of modern writers. The poem is an Five parts

1. The Burial of the Dead

2. A game of chess

3. The fire sermon

4. Death by water

5. What the Thunder Said.

The poem is full of Epical dimension. The Poem following the epic rules and start with one 'Stuti'. In the poem, there are some easy as well as some hard words. Easy words like Ganga, Himyanti, etc. When we read we come to know that Eliot has Historical Sense. In his essay "Tradition and Individual Talent," he gave the theory of 'Depersonalization' in which he told that writer or poet is not important his work is important but Eliot is very personal in this poem. A poem made of College of Image and in the poem, we can find many Images. All Images are distinct from each other.

The Waste Land :

The title itself gives us negative ideas. Waste means meaningless and so Waste land means the land in which nothing is growing and Brokenness. In the poem, there is a reputation of Event in various parts. It is not a traditional poem but Modern poem. In the whole poem, We can find the main theme or Idea
   " Spiritual draught leading towards sexual perversion and Sexual perversion leading towards spiritual draught."
The poem contains myths.

1) What are your views on the following image after reading 'The Waste Land'? Do you think that Eliot is regressive as compared to Nietzsche’s views? or Has Eliot achieved universality of thought by recalling myths historical answer to the contemporary malaise?

       " The historical sense involves a perception, not only of the pastness of the past but of its presence"                                           - T. S Eliot

In his easy 'Tradition and Individual Talent' he talks about the historical sense. In this poem, we can find myths and historical references. In the poem, we can observe that Eliot challenge to critically analyze the poem and connection to the dying tradition. Lewis explain that

               " The poet seeks to address modern problems like the war, industrialization, urban life, and the same time to participate in a literary tradition".

The poem talks about the time and place in which Eliot lived. So I believe that Eliot in his poem 'The waste land' seems to be regressive, as well as backwards-looking and he, tries to find answers of contemporary malaise in Upanishad, Buddhism and Christianity. But maybe we can not find all the solutions in the books. Sometimes we have to observe the things and as we all are living in a modern time so sometimes it may happen that you have to find solutions according to your time.
I find Nietzsche’s concept of “Ubermensch” appropriate.

"To be an 'Ubermensch' is to possess or exhibit certain traits of character and Traits which in the typing case are associated with notions of self-over coming, sublimation, creativity and self-perception. "

This concept talk about to have our own Morality. The Ubermensch is a true poet of his life and he is not believing in the god or gods but they are master of their life. To have faith in our self is more important then anything else and it is better to find solutions from our contemporary time. But historical sense is aslo important when you think something new. So I agree with both the views.

2) Prior to the speech, Gustaf Hellström of the Swedish Academy made these remarks:
What are your views regarding these comments? Is it true that giving free vent to the repressed 'primitive instinct' lead us to happy and satisfied life? or do you agree with Eliot's view that 'salvation of man lies in the preservation of the cultural tradition'?

I am not agree with Eliot's view that 'salvation of man lies in the preservation of the cultural tradition'. It is always depend on the writer that what he wants to see. As we know that when you control the thing it may gives problem. Like when you tell someone that you have to do this and you have to follow certain things at that time it may gives you bad result because they are not agree with your points. Like we can observe in first answer that Eliot talk about Historical sense in his easy as well as in his poetry but Nietzsche’s views is different. He is not believing in that. So you can not control the things. we all are go back to find something . like when we read Gita we come to know that there is nothing but we all are when you want some answers you go back like Eliot talk about Upanishad and other cultural Artifacts. It is dependent on the period in which you live. But Sometimes suppressing the feelings may be good. So both points are necessary for the time. But its up to you how you are using this.
Fred's writing in Das Unvehagen in der Kultur, translated as civilization and its Discontents. Freu d talk about some basic need of human life. He also talk about Spiritual decay and sexual perversion and Emotions . 

3) Write about allusions to the Indian thoughts in 'The Waste Land'. (Where, How and Why are the Indian thoughts referred?)

In the poem we can find many Indian thought. Like

1. The fire sermon : the title itself suggests to Buddha's Fire.

2. River Ganga and Himalaya :

"Ganga was sunken, and the limp leavesWaited for rain, while the black cloudsGathered far distant, over Himavant."

Eliot talk about purification and spirituality. River Ganga is known for its purity and also for purification. While Himalaya is known for spirituality and peace.

3. The Thunder : “Akashvani”

The sound of divine power.

     " Dry Sterile thunder without rain"

4. Three Da :  Datta,


Dayadhvam,   Damyata

The first Da “Datta” means to give.
The second Da “Dayadhvam” means sympathies and empathies with others. Third Da “Damyata” means self control, control over the senses. According to Eliot this is the way one could get salvation.

5. Shantih mantra :

  The Shantih mantra is for inner peace, peace that passes understanding.


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