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Web 2.0 Tools

Web tool 2.0 :

As part of our ELT-2 paper ,we are suggested to join this MOOC. In this course, we can learn about a wide variety of Web 2.0 tools to use in your teaching and learning. We have technology but it is very important how teachers can harness the power of free and easy to use online tools to engage and motivate their students. It is up to you how you can implement this new tools in your classroom. For that, we have to choose best Web tools for our learners.

About web 2.0 tool :

Web 1.0 refers to the world wide Web in its earliest stages of evolution. For developing the any Web content, you must have knowledge and skills and how to access tools. For example, they needed to know HTML or Hybertext Markup language. But for doing or developing any tool, you need fast Internet. The Web 1.0 was also known as the Read only Web. In the early 2000s a transformation began to happen as a result of technological changes that made the Internet and ability to develop content more accessible. This tools which were later developed, were known as Web 2.0 tools. This tools allowed anyone with an Internet connection and they can also upload anything. In contrast to Web 1.0 Web 2.0 is democratic and other can share it and use it. Web 2.0 is also known as the Read write Web.

Examples :

In Web 1.0 users read stories according to what the publisher considered were significant. But in Web 2.0, users decide which stories are significant by voting for them on news aggregators sites such as digg.Com

Drawback :

In web 1.0 once pages were uploaded to Web server for others to view, they seldom changed. But in Web 2.0, information is very dynamic and pages change extremely fast. For example, blogs, podcast, wiki etc.

Blogger is very good tool for any learners. Learners can create their own blogger Id and share their own stories, experiences or creative writing. In blogger, learners can add pictures, videos, and audio content.

Podcasting allows anyone to become a radio disc Jockey, talk show host, and even a recording artist.

Wiki is a Web application that allows people to collaborate with others to create content. The best known wiki is Wikipedia.

Web 2.0 is also popular for social applications such as Facebook, you tube, twitter etc. These services allows users to not only read, to watch or to listen but users can also interact with the content creator and other users by linking the content. For example, Sometimes I am sharing my experiences on Facebook.

It is said that, if you are using any tool, than you must have a reason to use the tool. Because knowing why you are using or need to use it, it is west of time. Your skills will improve as you use more tools.

We need Communicative tools for teaching. Google sits help teachers to share the information. Podomatic is another Web 2.0 tool that allows presentation and sharing audio information. For two way communication, teachers may use a Poll or a survey that is embedded in his or her class presentation. Poll is use to give immediate feedback.
Blogger is also provide two way communication. Teacher can use Board host or an audio conferencing system or Skype.
Another tools are Google Hangout and Google Docs.

VT - Voice Thread :

This tool allows communication. They can add pictures, videos and PowerPoint presentations. Students can post their comments and everyone can read it as well as respond it.

Padlet :

This is another Web 2.0 tool that allows text communicating, pictures, videos and presentation. In this tool everyone can view comments.

Remind101 - tool :

This is a tool in which you can send text message to your students without having the number. It is teacher friendly tool. To join the group which is created by teachers, you need code. But you can not edit your message once you send it and it is drawback of this tool.

Google Hangout :

This tool allows you to hang out with up to ten people at a time.

Penzu. Com :

It can be used to write a journal, to take notes or you can present your ideas in a very smart way. It allows features like adding images with caption and with sound clips.

VT - Voice Thread :

This is very interesting tool. In this tool, you can present your video or you can present your presentation.

There were sections such as higher Education, travel, art, K-12 etc. In the each sections, there were sub sections.

For example, in Higher education, there were sub sections like, business education, foreign language, history, journalism, law, library / media science, literature and writing, mathematics, etc. You can see the presentation and the audio visual. This tool may help you to improve your speaking skills. You can read and listen. I read voice thread blog. They done one research and research tells that combining orthographic and phonological forms of language has many benefits for language learning. Nakashima, Stephens and Kamata found that reading while listening increases Comprehension.

Web 2.0 Tools : 

Web 2.0 Tools
VT – Voice Thread


Remind101 - tool

Google Hangout



Google Docs



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