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Coleridge Biographia literaria

Biographia Literaria is the critical work by Coleridge it is contained in 24chapters. In 1796 cloderidge published his first poetry collection, "poem on various subjects", and from 1797 to 1798 he lived with# A fusion of autobiography
# literary criticism
# religious and philosophical theory
# differences between poem and prose
# differences between poetry and poem
Q. 1 Write in your words the difference between poem and prose.
  When we see the poem and prose,  both are  possibly same but presentation of both are not same. Cloderidge considers the elements of poem like
# sound and meter
# communication
# pleasure
# emotional affect as function together. 
According to Coleridge " nothing can permanently please, which does not contain in itself the reason why it is so, and not otherwise". A poem contains the same elements as a prose composition. poems are made in metre or rhyme, but this is only for remembering it. Poem is different from prose because poem gives us pleasure or delight. The main object of poem is to give delight, not the truth. On the other hand the main object of prose is to give the truth. So I find this main difference between poem and prose. The second difference is that, a poem must be a legitimate poem menas when you write poetry, each word of poem should explain and support the entire part of poem. In a legitimate poem,
               "the reader should be carried forward, not merely or chiefly by the mechanical impulse of curiosity or by the pleasurable activity of mind exited by the abstractions of the journey itself".
Q. 2 Write in your words the difference between poem and poetry.
   First cloderidge considers to distinguish poem from prose and in the last section of the chapter 14, Coleridge considers to distinguish poem from poetry. Coleridge points out that “poetry of the highest kind may exist without metre and even without the contradistinguishing objects of a poem”. Poem is a form of poetry. 

According to me, poetry menas when you create your imagination and make a wonderful poetry and poetry is art. Poetry gives us an aesthetic delight and activity of mind. Poetry represents the true feeling of poet and deals with object. But poem deals with subject. In the poetry, poets use a limited number of word but for understand the meaning you have to read with consciously. 

                "poetry for coleridge is an activity of the poets mind and a poem is merely one of its expression"
Q. 3 Give illustration to support your answer. 

    # The difference between poem and prose

"The Road Not Taken” by Robert Frost. This is a best example of poem. In this poem, A traveller comes to a read and needs to decide which way is right to go to continue his the journey. The poem describes the tough choices people make when he/she decides travelling road of life. The words like sorry and sigh makes the tone of poem somewhat gloomy. The read is symbolises the journey of life the all humans travel on from the day of they are born. In "The Road Not Taken," the four stanzas are five lines long with a rhyming scheme of ABAAB.
Two roads diverged in a yellow wood, (A)
And sorry I could not travel both (B)
And be one traveler, long I stood (A)
And looked down one as far as I could (A)
To where it bent in the undergrowth; (B)
So, this is wonderful poem with meaning. 

A few days after childbirth, the woman's beauty is transformed.
Her face, often bent over her chest, grows slightly longer.
Her eyes, attentively peering down at a nearby object, occasionally look up, faintly distracted. Their gaze is filled with confidence, but seeking continuation. Her arms and hands bend together in a crescent, mutually sustaining. Her legs, grown thin and weakened, are gladly seated, knees drawn up high. The distended belly, livid, still very tender; the abdomen readjusts to rest, to nights under covers.
...But soon up and about, the tall body maneuvers through the bunting hung out conveniently high and low, which squares of wash, which from time to time are grasped by a free hand, are crinkled, tested knowledgeably, then folded or hung out again depending on the verdict.

Francis Ponge has been called “the poet of things” and this is wonderful prose poem. When we read this prose, we comes to know that this is story of the young mother and easy to understand.
 So we can find the main difference, poem is quite difficult to understand but when we read prose we feel it is easy. No rhymes, no meters and not difficult to understand the porse. 


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