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Super 30 movie review

# Movie - Super 30
# Directed by Vikas Bahl
# Biographical movie
# Based on the life of mathematician Anand Kumar
# Educational program super 30
# Hrithik Roshan as Anand Kumar

          'अब राजा का बेटा राजा नहीं बनेगा,
           राजा वो बनेगा जो हकदार होगा.'
History :

Super 30 Established in 2002. This program selects 30 meritorious and talented candidates each year from economically backward sections of society and trains them for the IIT-JEE. Anand Kumar is an Indian educationalist and a mathematician best known for his Super 30 programme which he started in Patna. He struggled a lot and he gets success. Time Magazine has selected mathematician Anand Kumar's school - Super 30 - in the list of Best of Asia 2010. Super 30 received praise from United States President Barack.

About Movie :

Super 30 is an Indian Educational program that started in Bihar under the banner of 'Ramanujan School of Mathematics', by Anand Kumar.

The movie opens with one of his students and now an accomplished superachiever grown into Vijay Varma. Varma detailing his journey to a crowd. His name is very funny in the movie. He is speaking in Hindi language but he speaks one interesting Dialogue that

             "सोरी हम हिंदी मे बोल रहे है
             अेडजेस कर लेना"

This is good Dialogue because comfortable with your own language is very important. If you are not comfortable with other languages then you make mistakes. But it is also true that we have to adjust to another language. Every time you can not say that I am not comfortable with your language and all. He also says that
“I like the English language,”
“But  growing up, it stood in our path like a rock.”

The movie cuts back to the past. This is a story of one poor Mathematician Anand Kumar. He struggled a lot in his life. He had the best command on maths. He wanted to do a PhD in Maths. He solves the formula like he is playing the game with the sums. He got the admission to Cambridge University but he is not able to go because of Economical problem. He had the best support of his family. In the movie, we can observe that when he get Job in Couching class he think that I have everything so I can do whatever I want to do. But he was wrong. When one of the characters in the movie told the story of Eklavya at that time he thinks and he realised that what he is doing. And he decided to give knowledge to those who can not afford this high-class coaching classes and he starts one personal coaching class which is known as Super 30. He gave admission to only 30 students and his focus on them. In the movie, I found following interesting points.

# Impact of Foreign language/ English language :

As we all know in our society there is a strong impact on the English language. We all are faces some problems because of this second language. In the movie, I found one scene in which students imagine that they are in IIT classroom and other students talking with them in the English language. So that they are not able to give them answers. They have fear of the English language. So Anand motivates his students to stage a scene out of Sholay but in English. This is the best way to motivate your students. So we can say that,
             "Doing or practising is important rather than doing nothing"

# Conflict between Rich or Poor :

We can see the conflict between Rich and Poor. Anand belongs to Poor family and he loves one girl who is Rich. When Anand meet her father, her father told him that you get Admission in IIT in Cambridge is good, but how you reach there? So his point is that Poor can not go and take the education because they have no money or passports to reach there. We can find another character Lallan Singh who is CEO of Excellence Coaching, he told Anand that you have to teach here and once Anand denied him. At that time he first forces him and he also tries to kill him. So we can see the power of Rich people on poor.

# Education is a business :

In our real society, we can see that if you want to join IIT then you have to join one good Coaching class. In the one of the best season 'KOTA FACTORY,' We can observe this point that students want the admission in the famous coaching class and they want to study under the great teacher. So we can find many coaching class in our society. So in the movie, I found the same thing. All students want to study if Anand Kumar come.

# Role of media :

Media play a vital role in the movie. We can observe that if something is happening then media come and report everything. Their concern is to give the headlines. Raghunath plays a vital role in the movie. He helped Anand through newspapers and give the right information to the media. But every time it does not happen that media gives you the right information.

# Teaching techniques of Anand and Ms Naina Mathur from the movie Hichki :

I found the same teaching techniques in both the movie. The concept of the movie is different. I am talking about the teaching techniques of both the teachers. Some things are the same in both movies like the conflict between rich and poor teachers and students.

# Close up: Symbol: Bicycle's Chain

The close up scene of the movie is good. The chain is a symbol of the happening things. The chain is a symbol of happening the good or bad things in the movie. First, when Anand get the admission in Cambridge at that time and Anand's father died at that time we can see the focus of the camera is on Bicycle's chain.

So overall this is a good movie but there are some meaningless scenes. Hrithik Roshan's acting is very good and the background of the movie is also good.


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