"Poetry is the criticism of life, governed by the laws of poetic truth and poetic beauty". Matthew Arnold was English poet and cultural critic of 19th century. His notable works are, # "Dover beach" # "The scholar-Gipsy" # "Thysis" # "Culture and Anarchy" He wrote on social and cultural issues, religion, and education. His famous eassy on 'The study of poetry' : In this work, his concerned with poetry's high destiny. In this eassy he talk about some important points like # Touchstone method # His views of chaucer as a poet # His views on the age of dryden and pope # His views on Robert Burns as a poet # The Future of poetry # poetry is criticism of life # poetry interprets life # Fallacies of real Estimate # Idealism # High seriousness # moral and philosophical The study of poetry, the first eassy in the 1888 volume was originally published as the gener