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I. A. Richards - figurative Language

Ivor Armstrong Richards was known as I. A. Richards. He was great modern critic. T. S. Eliot and I. A. Richards are considered to be the pioneer in the field of new criticism. His views are different from other critics. I. A. Richards is a pioneer figure of new criticism. His path breaking works are,
# The meaning of meaning - 1923
# The principle of Literary criticism - 1924
# The practice criticism - 1929
He also talk about three main objectives to write the practical criticism.
1. To introduce a new kind of documentation
2. To provide new technique
3. To prepare the way for Educational methods
         "His practical approach gave new path             to Literary criticism"
In his criticism of poetry, he gave a lot of importance to 'words' . He believed that,
         "poet writes to communicate and                       language is the means to that                           communication"
So, study of 'words' is more important if you want to understand the real meaning of the poetry. According to him words carry four kinds of meaning
1. Sense
2. Tone
3. Feeling
4. Intention
Words comes with meaning. According to him "poem create some kind of attitudes amd language can be used in two different ways i.e. The scientific and emotive use of language."In the poetry we have to see points like historical sense, impulses, paradox, tention in poetry, so on.

Song : story of my life - one direction

Written in these walls are the stories that I can't explain
I leave my heart open but it stays right here empty for days
She told me in the morning she don't feel the same about us in her bones
It seems to me that when I die these words will be written on my stone
And I'll be gone gone tonight
The ground beneath my feet is open wide
The way that I been holdin' on too tight
With nothing in between
The story of my life I take her home
I drive all night to keep her warm and time
Is frozen (the story of, the story of)
The story of my life I give her hope
I spend her love until she's broke inside
The story of my life (the story of, the story of)
Written on these walls are the colors that I can't change
Leave my heart open but it stays right here in its cage
I know that in the morning now
I'll see us in the light upon a hill
Although I am broken, my heart is untamed still
And I'll be gone gone tonight
The fire beneath my feet is burning bright
The way that I been holdin' on so tight
With nothing in between
The story of my life I take her home
I drive all night to keep her warm and time
Is frozen (the story of, the story of)
The story of my life I give her hope
I spend her love until she's broke inside
The story of my life (the story of, the story of)
And I been waiting for this time to come around
But baby running after you is like chasing the clouds

The story of my life I take her home
I drive all night to keep her warm and time
is frozen
The story of my life I give her hope (give her hope)
I spend her love until she's broke inside (until she's broke inside)
The story of my life (the story of, the story of)
The story of my life
The story of my life (the story of, the story of)
The story of my life

'Story of my life' is beautiful song and recorded by Irish English boy band one direction. In the song, there are many hidden meanings. In the song, there are hidden paradox. When you see the video with lyrics, you can see that this is beautiful song related with their families and they are recalling all the memories which memories they can't explain in the words. On the other side when you just listen this song, there are many lines trough which you can say that this is brake up song. They wrote this song to recalling the memories of their beloved. Lines like, 
     " She told me in the morning she don't             feel the same about us in her bones"
     " The story of my life I take her home
        I drive all night to keep her warm and            time is frozen"
But actual one of them talk about her sister. So here we can find the paradox. 
There are many songs releted with recalling the old memories. But this song is different. The video capture childhood memories through the medium of the childhood photographs. 
Impulse : one impulse can be hope and despair. The moment, the writer decides to give up on life, his memories of childhood come up as hopes for moving on. But then these are the only the only hopes he has because soon he feels that running after life is like chasing the clouds, A futile attempt. 


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