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Existentialism: Video Resources

Hello readers,
This Blog is a part of thinking activity given by professor in which students have to watch the video and give one idea which he or she like. Click here to see the blog.

Video 1: What is Existentialism?

I like following thoughts from this video.
We can apply this term existentialist to many great thinker such as

# Søren Kierkegaard
# Friedrich Nietzsche
# Franz Kafka
# Martin Heidegger
# Jean-Paul Sartre
#Simone de Beauvoir

A first person who referred to himself as an existentialist and founded the whole moment was John Paul Sartre but start with Kierkegaard. When we read all the thinkers, we comes to know that their views are different from each other. But all are philosophical thinkers and they think individual. All believe that individual thinking is more convenient then group thinking and yes it's true. Your own thinking matters a lot. If you are talking about existentialism, than you have to remember two main points that are

1. Passion
2. Freedom

We all are craving for both the things. Philosophers like Camus argue against this and he also said that by believing in god, you have taken the easy way to out. Believing in god is considered philosophy called suicide. Existentialism is mainly popular among young people because it touches on subjects which a person in his or her youth might be struggle with. There were other subjects like suicide, anguish, absurdity, passion, emotion etc. So in this video there are some interesting key aspects.

Video 2: The Myth of Sisyphus: The Absurd Reasoning (Feeling of the Absurd)

I like following thoughts from this video.

Camus starts this eassy by bringing our attention to one interesting point. He writes that,

   "There is but one truly serious philosophical problem and that is suicide"

We have to ask ourselves to one question that why we are thinking about suicide? Suicide is individual thought. When we think about this? Because we think we are nothing in the world or our life is meaningless or Absurd. Sometimes your silence kills you. So Camus talk about this point. Like we can see in Waiting for the Godot play that both characters Vladimir and Estragon think about suicide twice.

Video 3: The Myth of Sisyphus: the notion of philosophical suicide

I like following thoughts from this video.

Like in previous video Camus talk about Suicide and absurdity, in this video he talk about accepting the Absurdity in life.

"Absurd is neither in man not in the word, it can only occur in their presence together - man and the world"

As we think our world is irrational and yes it is and you need human being for this irrationality to be conceived. We have to think that if there would not be any human being than there would not be any desire pr human nostalgia to be satisfied. We have to accept all the consequences which we face in our life and obviously the absurdity ends with death.
There are three important thing which we have to remember.

A total absence of hope
A continuous rejection 
Conscious dissatisfaction 

Video 4: Dadaism, Nihilism and Existentialism

I like following thoughts from.

Dada moment rose up against world war one in1916. Most people believe that Dadaism is associated with Nihilism but this is not true. Dadaism is a quest for change. We connect the absurdity of life with Dadaism. A few artists sucs as Hugo Ball Bianco, Jean Arp and Lazaro, Tistan Tzara and others were disgusted by the war moved to Zurich and found the movement. So Dadaism is a quest for searching something new and questioning rather than creating the things. Creation is primarily goal of Dadaism. It is very difficult to questioning the things which are exist. Nietzsche said that,

"Whom do they hate them most? Him who breaks up their tables of values the breaker, the law brakes, he however is the creator."

Existentialism is forces you to become who you are and not to accept what other impose on you. Dadaism as a way to becoming free of everything.

Video 5: Existentialism - a gloomy philosophy

I like following thoughts from this video.

Existentialism is often accused of being a gloomy philosophy.
If you want to achieve something than you have to struggle a lot.
You have to find your own meaning in life.
Existentialism is Narcissistic philosophy.
Being an individual does not mean you are a narcissistic.
Existentialism is response to emptiness.

Video 6 :Let us introduce Existentialism again!

I like following thoughts from this video.

Existentialist thinkers created some if the greatest work of philosophy and literature.
Examine Sartre's famous statement 'Existence proceeds essence'
Kry concern of philosophy
Different between Existentialism and Nihilism.
Existentialism is not philosophical system but viewed as a philosophical movement.
'Human, all to human'
Divine perspective vs human perspectives

Video 8: Explain like I'm Five: Existentialism and Nietzsche:

I like following thoughts from this video.
Nietzsche’s concept about Existentialism.
Example like who is good?
Not follow the rules but question
Make your own rules.

Video 9: Why I like Existentialism? Eric Dodson

I like following thoughts from this video.

Existentialism has two sides.
1. Intellectual
2. Movement of extraordinary or something staggering honesty
Understanding like holistically
Existentialism is strategic


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