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Journalism :

Journalism is a form of writing that tells people about things that really happened, but that they might not have known about already. People who write journalism are called "journalists." those people might work at Magazines, newspapers, websites, T. V etc. If you want to become journalist, then you have to read more and more. curiosity is best characteristic of good journalist. Ravish Kumar is an Indian best journalist. He is the Managing Editor of NDTV India. He also won Ramon Magsaysay Award in 2019. He is the author of the book "The Free Voice - On Democracy, Culture and The Nation". So he is one of the best journalist.

There are two types of writing articles or journals :

1. Lead writing
2. Feature writing

1. Lead writing :

Lead writing is most important sentence in your article. It appear in bragging of your article. In this sentence or line you have to give most important information about your article. This is a sentence which attract your readers to read the article. In this lines you can use following sentences.

1. Who is your story about or who is doing the action?

2. What is your story about?

3. Why it is happening or what is happening?

4. When it will happen or where did it happen?

This are some lines which will attract your read to read your article. You can also use some famous jingles or attractive punch lines in your article.

There are two types of Lead writing.

1. Hard lead gives a comprehensive view of entire event

2. Soft lead gives a short account of that event with catchy title.

Feature writing :

Feature writing is different from lead writing. Feature writing is also creative writing. In feature article or in writing the first most important thing is your content. Content means the main points you need to include in each paragraph. There are four parts of feature articles.

1. Title - the main part of your article which will attract your readers

2. Introduction - in this part you have to tell your readers that why this topic is interesting. In this you can use the words such as recently, now etc.

3. Body - it is most important part of your article. In this you have to tell the main ideas which you are going to talk. You have to give your readers the main situation or reason as well as supporting evidence. For example, research paper.

4. Conclusion - summary of  the whole article.

Feature writing is not a news writing. In this you can include your book review or write about famous personality. You can search in newspaper. You can also write good motivational stories.

"Feature writing is kind of research writing"

A feature story may or may not tied to a current event. There are some following feature types :

1. Personality Profiles

A personality feature story is a journalistic article focusing on a single aspect of a person's life. Whether the focus is a career, personal struggle or interesting hobby, the author vividly renders the person's story using descriptions and quotes. It is not necessary that you only write about famous personality but some of the best articles focus on the everyday stories of regular people. 

2. Human Interest Stories

human interest story discusses a person or people in an emotional way. It presents people and their problems. 

3. Trend Stories

We all are interested in trend stories. Trend stories are famous because people are very excited to read about the latest stories. For example, when you see the trailer of the Movie and when you read you may find some interesting points which are famous and related to your your time.

some examples of Feature writing : 


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