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Talks by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie

This Blog is a part of Sunday Reading task given by professor to know about the Novelist  Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie and we have to discuss three videos given below.

Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie grew up in Nigeria and she was a Nigerian Novelist. Her work has been translated into over thirty languages. Her famous works are,

1. Purple Hibiscus - won the Commonwealth Writers’ Prize.
2.Half of a Yellow Sun - won the Orange Prize and was a National Book Critics Circle Award Finalist and
3. A New York Times Notable Book; and Americanah - won the National Book Critics Circle Award and was named one of The New York Times Top Ten Best Books of 2013.
4. We Should All Be Feminists

Her 2009 TED Talk, The Danger of A Single Story, is now one of the most-viewed TED Talks of all time.Her 2012 talk We Should All Be Feminists has a started a worldwide conversation about feminism, and was published as a book in 2014.
Her most recent book, Dear Ijeawele, or a Feminist Manifesto in Fifteen Suggestions, was published in March 2017.

1. The danger of a single story :

She is a story teller. She talk about "the danger of the single story". She grew up in a university campus in Eastern Nigeria. She started reading at the age of four and also early writer. In this video she talk about her family, her view about literature and her experiences. she aslo talked about the danger of reading single story about any place and people that you can not judge anyone without any kind of authentication. She also talk about other following points.

1. African Authenticity
2. Immigration : U. S and Maxico
3. Power : cultural and economic
4. Colonial creation of Africa
5. Her dream of building the library

2. we should all be feminist :

In the second video she talk about feminism. She talk on feminism that how social norms discriminate women from men. She as a feminist spoke about many aspect of her life. She has spoke about her personal experiences in life. In the beginning she has given the definition of a feminist, she aslo said that,

"Feminist are women who felt unhappy because they couldn't find their  husband"

She also talk about following key points in this video.

1. Personal experience of gender discrimination
2. Paradoxical images
3. Cultural identity

She gave many example of her life in which her primary incident about the class monitor was very interesting one. When I was in school at that I noticed this thing. She said that Culture not make people but people make culture and it is true. As we know that there are natural difference between men and women in body organs but women have equal ability same as men. We always tell girl that you can not fly more and you have no right of education. But we have to change this idea.

3. Talk on importance of Truth in Post truth Era at Harvard class 2018

In this video Chimamanda spoke about the value of truth. She first begins with the interpretation of her name, "Chimamanda" which means personal spirit which can never be broken. Many finds difficult to pronounce her name and when she went in an event and there the anchor mispronounced her name as "Chimichanga". For her literature is religion. She talk about the courage of speaking truth. Post truth is dangerous weapon in this 21st century. For example, in political party we can find this kind of post truth. She aslo talk about Self doubt and Self believe.

I watched this three video and I like all her views. we should change our mind, believe in self, self identity, self doubt and self believe. In African literature, I studied one of the best novel by Ngiugi Wa Thiango "Grain of wheat". In this novel, Ngiugi reality of Kenya. When we read the novel we comes to know the condition to Kenya. When you read Black skin white masks at that time you see the condition of black people.


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