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Edmand spenser and Ben Jonson

Renaissance literature or period is most important in the history of English literature. Renaissance means rebirth. In this period there are many writers like Edmund spenser, Ben jonson, William Shakespeare, Francis bacon etc. Spenser known as a poet's poet. Shakespeare is most important figure in the age of Elizabethan. Shakespeare had benefit of Queen Elizabeth because she gave prize.

Spenser was born in 1552 in London. He was educated at the Merchant Taylore's school and at Cambridge. He left Cambridge in 1576 and a few moments are unknown. He comes into London in 1579 as a member of the literary circle surrounding sir Philip Sidney and his uncle the Earl of Leicester. After sometime, In 1589 he visited London to publish the first three books of "The Faerie Queene".

His minor poems :
The first famous poem is "The Shepherds Calendar (1579). After that he wrot volume of miscellaneous poem including
1. The Ruins of Time
2. The Tears of the Muses
3. Mother's Hubberd's Tale
In 1595 he published his Amoretti, eighty-eight petrarchan sonnets celebrating the progress of his love. Spenser's shorter poems illustrate his Lyrical ability which is moderate in quality.

His prose works :
Spenser left one longish prose work and a kind of state paper done in the form of the dialogue. His famous work is "A View of the Present State of Ireland" in 1594. This worm gives views on the settlement of the Irish question. In this work he shows or submit a plan for Pacifying the oppressed and rebellious people.

This is famous work upon which he poet's fame chiefly rests. The original plan of the poem included Twenty-four books but he completed only six books. In this books he wrote about celebrating holiness, Temperance, chastity, friendship, justice, and courtesy.  In the fisrt book he wrote about adventures of the redcross Knight representing Holliness and lady Una representing Religion. Theri contents are symbolical of the world wide struggle between virtue and faith on the one hand and sin on the other hand. In second book he tells the story of sir Guyon or Temperance. In third book he talk about Britamartis representing Chastity. And in fifth and sixth books he talk about Cambel and Triamond (Friendship), Artegall (Justice) and Sir Culidore.

# Ben Jondon :
Ben Johnson was born at Westminster and his father died before John's birth. Ben Jonson wrote on ode for the first Folio of Shakespeare's collected plays in 1623. It is difficult to sum Jonson up briefly because as a writer he was a master of many styles and genres and as a character he achieved high recognition. He was also imprisoned more than once. He wrote two comedies,
1. The Alchemist (1610)
2. Volpone (1605)
They depict character in the grip of obessions. The wonderfully named Sir Epicure Mammon is the target in the Alchemist of the crooks. Two earlier plays are significant for their handing of 'humours'. Humours are character's main emotional driving force such as jealousy, anger or similar obsessive behavioural traits.
"Man in his Humor" performed in 1598
"Every Man Out of his Humor in 1599.
In Every Man In his Humours his own variation on the suspicious father, the errant son, the wily servant, the braggart, and the gull.


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