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Paradise lost thinking activity

        "What we are dealing with is a fable of the human conditions, indeed three hundred years of the reading of Paradise lost entitle us to make use of the word 'myth'."
Paradise lost is wonderful epic poem by John Milton and the epic poem is written in Blank verse in 17th century. In the poem, there are three main characters in the book, satan, Eve and Adam. Along with Satan, Eve is most important character in the Paradise lost. As we all know that the poem concerns the biblical story of the fall of man. But Milton’s purpose is different. He wants to "Justify the Ways of god to man". The main difference between Milton’s epic and the holy Bible is that, Milton begins the narration in hell. He takes that, satan and his angels are thrown out from the heaven because of disobedience.
There are different situations and the difference experience of Innocence, temptation, fall, alienation and exile.

Q. 1 Write a critical not on character of Eve?
In the paradise lost Milton drawn the character of Adam and Eve's progress from Innocence to exile. Eve is Protagonist character in Paradise lost. In the bible, we can see that god create eve as a helper of adam. And for fall of man, they believe that woman is not responsible because first eve eat the apple and she gave his husband to eat. But Milton use his poetic imagination in Paradise lost. He told that, adam eat apple because he love her. In Milton’s paradise lost thare are many feminist reading like,

         "In woman than to study husband good, and good works in her husband to promote"


        "For solitude sometimes best society and short retirement urges sweet return but other doubt possesses me, last harm"

# first episode of eve by pool :
Here, Milton create his own character. In eve Milton creates the first woman. When she comes to a pool, she sees her own reflection and she falls in love with her own image. But she is held back by adam. So we can say that she is beautiful.

       "Till I spied thee fair indeed and tall
         Under a platan, yet methought lees fair
          Lees winning soft, less umiably mild
          Than that snooth watery Image."

So eve is the first woman, created by gif from Adam's tib as a companion for him. She is more beautiful as well as attractive than adam, eats the fruit of the tree of knowledge. She also tempt adam. Eve is more intelligent than adam. She has will power to face the consequences of her decision. She is also rebellious character because despite knowing that she must not eat the fruit of the forbidden tree she eat because she is curious to know about it's effects. So she is more curious and intelligent than adam.

Q. 2 Whose argument did you find more convincing?
According to me Eve's argument is more logical as well convincing. In the first episode we can see that she argues with adam to word separately because most of the time they wasted in exchanging looks of love. There are many others arguments between serpent and eve.

         "Let us divide our labours - thou where choice
Leads thee, or where most needs, whether to wind
The woodbine round this arbour, or direct
The clasping ivy where to climb, while I,
In younder spring of roses intermixed
With myrtle, find what to redress till moon. "
And her last argument with Adam. She comes and narrates the entire story of Adam. She informs him that persuaded by the Serpent she tasted the forbidden fruit and found it sweet and calls it the best blessing. She convinces Adam to eats this fruit.

      "Thou therefore also taste, that equal lot
        May join us, equal joy, as equal love,
        Lets thou not tasting, different degree
        Disjoins us, and I then too late                          renounce
        Deity for thee, when fate will not                    permit."

 Q. 3 How do you think at divine perspective in the genesis of the Holy Bible and human perspective in John Milton’s paradise lost book 9?
Before the renaissance, there was a god centric world and people had a blind faith on god. But after renaissance god centric world was replaced with Humancentric amd human was at the centre of universe as well as in the story. In 'Genesis' the fall is narrated from God's perspective. The character of Eve, Adam and Satan are flat as well as Emotionless characters. But in Milton’s paradise lost, we find same story with different way and we find the same story told from human perspective. Eve is protagonist character and she is responsible for man's downfall because first she eats apple from the tree of knowledge. So she is curious as well as intelligent character. We find Adam is driven by human emotions.


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