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American Literature Assignment

Roll No. : 29
Paper No : 10
Paper Name : American Literature
Class : MA Sem 3
Topic : American Dream and Existentialism in old man and the sea
Enrolment No : 2069108420190024
College : SMT. S. B. Gardi Department of English
Submitted to : Department of English

“Every day is a new day,
  It is better to be lucky.
 But I would rather be exact,
Then when luck comes you are
 Ready “

Introduction :

‘The old man and the sea’ is one of the best novel written by Earnest Hemingway. He was an American short story writer, Journalist, Novelist and also sport man. When we read his works, we can find some common themes such as, love, war, wilderness, struggle, and loss etc. He also won the noble prize in literature in 1954. His famous works are,

1.                  To have and have not (1937)
2.                  The sun also rises (1926)
3.                  The old man and the sea (1952)
4.                  Adventure of a young man (1962)

In 1930s, were filled with writing and adventure and as Hemingway hunted in Africa and fished in the gulf stream near to Cuba. He also reported on the Spanish Civil war for the North American Newspaper Alliance. The mid 1030s, Hemingway began gathering material for the old man and the sea. The other parts which is edited by Charles Scribner were later published in 1970 as Islands in the stream and the old man and the sea won the Pulitzer prize in 1952. After two years Hemingway also awarded the Nobel prize for literature. After some times, he approached his sixties and his health began deteriorating. He suffered from hypertension, depression and paranoia and committed suicide in 1961. So he is remembered as one of the great stylistic innovator of the modern American Literature.

Old man and the sea :

The old man and the sea is best novella which is published in 1952. This is the story of one old fisherman Santiago and his struggle against Marline. In this novella, there were following characters.

1.                  Santiago – a man with will power
2.                  Marlin – symbol of great achievement or opportunity
3.                  Manolin– little boy

The story as a depiction of the author’s real life experience. Hemingway was an fisherman himself had caught his shore of Marline and witnessed shark attack at his prize. In the novella we can find Following symbols.

1.                  The sea – the environment controls the lives of people, novel as an example of naturalism, man was most able to prove himself worthy in Isolation.
2.                  The Mast – one of the religious symbolism, the torn of the mast lost harpoon – loss of power
3.                  Lions – a common symbol of pride which he value so much
4.                  Religious symbolism – Santiago as a god like figure, he suffers greatly but does nothing to help anyone. He is on receiving end of help from the boy. Santiago credit himself with an ability to triumph over adversity through a combination of will and intelligence.
5.                  Dimaggio – a model against which Santiago Judges himself.

The old man and the sea is the story of Santiago who is an agian Cuba fisherman man and who alone in his life or in boat faces the most difficult fight against an big fish Marlin. As we know that he is old and everything about him is old expect his eyes and they were cheerful and undefeated. Santiago has lost his fisherman’s identity or luck and he had gone eight – four days without catching fish. Manolin’s parents called him to join another boat but still he believed that his old man is good man and he has ability to prove himself. The other fisherman make fun of Santiago but old man himself remain hopeful and undefeated. Every day 7he struggled a lot to prove himself. The boy still loves Santiago and help him a lot. The boy bring him food and clothing. When they meet, Santiago and Manolintalked about Baseball and the important player of the period, the DiMaggio. The old man also tells him about his past life and when he sleep, he dreams of being young again like the Manolin and seeing lions on the beaches in the evening. Old man’s boy is old but still strong. One day he decide to go and he find one big fish Marlin – two feet longer than the skiff. Just think what will we do when we find this kind of big fish. We will stop or runs away. May be we will go back. But old man remembers his younger days when he arm wrestled a man in a Casablanca tavern. So to catch this fish Santiago struggle a lot but never defeated. In last he came back with the skeleton of Marlin.

      “Those who live the struggle and exhibit special process are Hemingway’s heroes. Those who don’t are depicted as failures and weeklings”

Existentialism in the old man and the sea :

Existentialism studies about our existence. Why we all are here or what are we doing here? This kind of question Existentialist ask or study. Why do we exist or in this world in which we know that death certain. Our life is very uncertain but death is certain. Still we keep on living or going. When we want to see this we have to read the myth of Sisyphus. We all in hope that we will get the meaning but it is not possible. So to live life we all are doing something. In waiting for godat by Samuel Beckett, we can see that Vladimir and Estragon both are waiting and while waiting they are doing some activities like changing the caps, questions and answers etc. So they have hope that god will come. Existential says that we are waiting for death. Death will definitely come but when we don’t know. So we all are born here to do something or maybe something not. We can only wait for death but we are not doing this. While waiting we are doing something we are achieving something in our life. While waiting we all are doing something. All human actions are meaninglessness or pointless even we are doing in the hope of one thing which is certain is death. As we believe that death is the medium to be free and that’s why we all are waiting for death. So to wait is to exist. Throughyour entire existence you are continuously waiting for something which is certain is death. If you accept death as it is than it may create negative attitude but we have to see it objectively. You should keep on working. Wait for something positively not negatively. So you like waiting and all the experience. Be like a Sisyphus. One you start working, you like it.
In old man and the sea we can see the life of old man (Santiago).So the old man gives us positive existential attitude. He is keep on going even after he is not getting anything or able to catch the fish and still hr keep on going. When he see the marlin, at that time he is not stopping but keep going because he knows that in life if you want to achieve something than this is the best time to achieve. He think that I will go with marlin and his this positive attitude proves him right. If he will think that marlin never come and why should I wait than many we go back but he knows that marlin will come.

American Dream :

Throughout the history, American people believe that we are great and they are living with the American dream. They have hope or belief that America is the best place to live and they are believe that we will provide all the necessary thinks to people. American dreams began after American independence movement. In America there were party like Liberalist and they decided that we will prove that our nation is best or greatest nation of the world. In Moby Dick or in The old man and the sea we can find this dream. Romantic age in American movement is full of this American dreams. There are cases where the Romantics and the critics have try to break this American dream idea. They are saying that American dream is just an illusion and we should not completely blind by this kind of think. After all this is just an dream and it is an illusory concept. If you want to build the nation, you can build it and you don’t need any dreams. You can do this by your hard work and skills. You are binding other for your illusory dream.
In the old man and the sea, the marlin signifies this American dream. So marlin is American dream which old man wants to achieve. So the hope which embodies the American dream is exemplified by Marlin. The old man is in hope to achieving this American dream, in the hope of developing himself, in the hope of doing something. At first, it is just an illusion and at the second level, it becomesan ideal situation where you want the country tone better. The American dream is the principle which explains contains rather than perfection. So Marlin signifies this perfection. So we can say that,

1.                   American dreams as an idea of perfection or principle of success or development
2.                  Marlin as the American dream or metaphor for the American dream.
In the Moby dick we can see the idea of American dream as well. The author questioning the idea of the American dream.In t .his, the sailor fightingwith Moby-dick or not trying to catch it. He is not on hope of catching the fish but he wants to fight or defeat Moby Dick. So if the Moby Dick is strong, then he wants to prove that he is stronger than Moby dick. So there is a revenge motif going on.

So when we read this kind of work at that time we can see that all the writers are questioning the things rather than accepting.

Conclusion :

So in the old man and the sea, we can find many interesting points which are related to our life as well.


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