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“RANG MOHAN” - Youth festival 2019

Hello readers,
Here I want to share my experience. Youth festival is one of the best festivals in which university or specific college gives you the opportunity to perform or to show your skill or talent. It is very important that someone observe your skill and motivate you or encourage you to do more and more. So Maharaja Krishnakumarsinhji Bhavnagar University had organized a four-day youth festival and given the name "RANG MOHAN” and the theme of YOUTH FEST was “RANG MOHAN” attributed to 150th Birth Anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi.  It's up to you how you interpret this title. In this festival there, the university organized various events and there were many participants from various colleges. It is very interesting to meet new people or to know something new or we can learn as well. 

Sir always encourage us to participate in every event and to learn something or to experience. So, our from the department, students participated in various events. I also participated in two events One of them was Western Group Song and Installation.

The first event was Kalayatra. In the event, I found many interesting themes. 

 After that, on the second day, we had Inauguration Function in the amphitheatre of MKBU campus. In this function I only found one best performance, the folk orchestra was performed by GTU students. I really enjoyed this performance. After that, various competitions were held at the Campus.
 On the second day, there was an event like Mimicry, Spot Painting, One-act Play, Quiz, Poetry Recitation, Folk Dance, Paper Collage, Mime, Bhajan. 
On the third day, the university organized the events such as Classical Dance, Elocution, Essay writing, Mono acting, Mehendi, Mono acting, Rangoli, Photography, Falk song, Clay Modeling, Poster Making etc.
In the final day, the university organized the events such as Installation, Skit, Group Song and the valedictory Function.

So first of all, let me tell you about my experience. I participated in two events. First one is Western Group Song and another one is Installation. In both the event, I enjoyed a lot and also learnt something which is important in life. We tried to give our best and for that, we work hard because to give the good performance you have to work a lot or you have to struggle a lot. So our Group works hard but I think that was not enough. But We enjoyed because we participated in the event. I Would like to Dr Dilip Barad who encouraged us to participate. In Installation first we thought about the theme and we decided the theme, Indian progress or development of India. So I enjoyed a lot in both the events and it was nice to experience.


I would like to congregate my class for the best performance. Hina, Nirali, Alisha, Prinjal, Nasim, Monica participated in the Skit competition under the guidance of Alpa Ponda and Kaushal Trivedi performed an extraordinary skit on LGBT theme. We have to think about LGBT. When we watch, at that time you may feel Catharsis or as we know that in skit they give us one important massage.

Bhajan competition :

In bhajan competition, Nasim Gaha from Department of English participated in the event to showcase her vocal skills. She performed a well.


Topics for Spot painting are Festival of Ganesha, war and peace, and village of Bhavnagar. In this competition, Kavisha Alagiya participated from Department of English.

Overall, we enjoyed a lot. Thank to our university that organised this wonderful Four Day Rana Mohan festival. 


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