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The Archetypes of Literature : Northrop Frye

Northrop Frye was an Canadian Educator and literary critic who wrote much on Canadian literature and culture. He was best known literary theorist of the 20th century. He was Educated at the university of Toronto where he studies philosophy and theology. He was Ordained a minister in the united church of Canada in 1936. In 1947 , he published 'Fearful Symmetry : A study of William Black '. In 'Anatomy of Criticism' he challenged the hegemony and the new. In his later work , he supplemented the examination of archetype and genre with practical criticism. He also Studied T.S Eliot , John Milton's Epics , Shakesperean Comedy and Tragedy .

1. what is Archetypal criticism ? What does the Archetypal Critic do?
In literary criticism , the term Archetype denotes narrative designs , pattern of Action , character type , themes and images that recur in a wide variety of works of literature as well as in myths , dreams and even in social rituals. Archetype means one kind of symbol that is bad or good. Archetypal Critic will see the all the human experience that are connected through literature.

2. what is Frye trying prove by giving an analogy of 'Physics of Nature' and 'Criticism of Literature'?
To understand 'Physics of Nature' and 'Criticism of Literature' , we have to see the image which help us to understand it.
so we can see that Frye took four seasons and he set Archetype like comedic and tragic from literature. after that he subdivided in two parts like comedy and romance. so in the seasons we can find difference points like in Indian some seasons are for Romance but in other country it is not.

3. Share your views of criticism as an organised body of Knowledge. mention relation of literature with history and Philosophy.
In this eassy we can find one famous quote or line,
" Literature is central division of humanities flanked on one side by history and other side by philosophy." so this is important point for literature because most of the literature is derived by some historical events and from philosophical work and we can get the ideas.
  4. Briefly explain inductive method with illustration of Shakespeare's Hamlet's Grave Digger's scene.
As we know that Inductive mathod is taking one thing in centre and connecting it with many other things. If we take the example of gravedigger scene when Hamlet picks up man skull in his hand and wonders if that skull is of Alexandr or not. in this he connects his own time with the historical figure which we can look with the Inductive mathod. So this is very interesting method.
   5. Brief explain deductive method with reference to an analogy to Music, Painting, rhythm and pattern. Give examples of the outcome of deductive method.
Deductive mathod means that connecting so many things in to one. like we can look at the sunset, when someone talks about sunset in a story we can interpret it in many way. it may be mean the actual sun which sets in the west in evening, it may be means ones life in going to end. it may be means that am opportunity is going from someone's hand a big loss in business. We can also find this in music and painting.
6 .Refer to the Indian seasonal grid (below). If you can, please read small Gujarati or Hindi or English poem from the archetypal approach and apply Indian seasonal grid in the interpretation.
India has Seasons in 6 parts. which we call spring, summer, monsoon, autumn, pre-winter, and winter. 

Literature & Religion:

If you wants to tell something which is not convincing and people are not ready to accept it, use religion because there are many such stories which is not true but we all are believing because it is connected with our belief or religion. This kind of stories documented as a Myth. So according to Frye, this myth is a archetype. When you say this Myth, people will accept. This is where the literary critic finds a problem.
As Frye mentions,"God for the critic, whether he finds him in 'Paradise Lost' or 'The Bible', is a character in a human story; and for the critic all epiphanies are explained, not in terms of the riddle of a possessing god or devil, but as mental phenomena closely associated in their origin with dreams."

When you write something which is not good or you break the myth, at that time people consider you as a bad author or poet. 


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