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Charlie Chaplin and the modern Time movie review

# Charlie Chaplin
# Modern Time - Film

Charlie Chaplin was very famous for his silent comedy. He was a filmmaker and also a composer. It is very difficult to deal with the things that are different as well as in the form of a silent. He became a worldwide icon through his screen persona, "The Tramp". He was considered the most remarkable figure in the film industry. It is very easy to laugh but it is very difficult to understand the thing that is in the hidden form. When you watch his movies you laugh but you can not understand the hidden message. Very few can understand things. If we look at his life we come to know that he struggled a lot in his life. So maybe he observed all the things and represents in the form of silent comedy. Chaplin received many awards. He uses the comic tone but it tells the tragic story. As we know that in literature, tone and subject matter is very important things when you write or make something. Everything depends on you how you deal with specific things or with your ideas.
At the Department of English organized by Dr.Dilip Barad sir. This is a very interesting movie. As we all believe that every country has its own realities. So American has its own reality during Chaplin's time. Charlie represents it in a comic way but it's very difficult to understand the things. We can find some interesting points like

1. Pro-poor -
     " America is Capitalist, not communist"

2. Mechanical life -
     'This is a part of Industrialism and this is a production of science and technology '
The basic question is what is happening with a human after industrialism.?

3. Zailgast - 'Days'

4. Bordage of "Time"

5. Joblessness 

It is always interesting how you start your movie or other things. As we believe in "the first impression is the last impression". So if the movie starts with some good image or some good point we appreciate. So this movie 
starts with one image of a clock.
 I found one dialogue that

      " Action speaks louder than words"

Sometimes it is good that you prove your skill through your actions.  Because if you going to speak anything which is not easy for you than people always question that you can or not.  So at that time action prove everything.

We can see the symbols in the poem like

# newspaper
# Food
# Job and Joblessness

In Chaplin's time, when you are in a prison and you prove that you are not like others at that time you get one letter and this letter proves that you are trustworthy, and easily you get the Job.

It is always difficult to fight for those things that are not permanent. For example, everyone believes that if if you are studying then you get good Job as well as Money. It is not true but if you have the best skill then you get a good job.  So in this movie, we can see that Chaplin has no permanent Job and skill and in the movie, there is one scene in which people are waiting for a person who gives them a job.

So in the movie, there are many interesting points. Chaplin has good skill to show everything in a comic way and you can get one real massage from his all movies. He represents the real world in the movie.


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