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Films of Postcolonial Studies

Midnight's children :

Why Salman Rushdie choose this particular title for his Novel?

About Author and Book :

Midnight's children are one of the famous novels which are written by Salman Rushdie. The novel was published in 1981.

He was born in India in 1947. When we read his life we come to know that after his father's decision to move Pakistan and his father's idea that Muslims are very good people. Pakistan is called the Islamic nation. The protagonist and the narrator of the story are Saleem and he was born in Bombay at midnight, 1947 and this was the period when India won freedom from British rule. The novel is based on a historical event, Independence and partition of India. The centre point in the novel is that children born in India between 12 a.m. and 1 a.m. on that date are imbued with special powers. Saleem was born in Bombay at midnight so he had a special power. Two other important characters are Shiva and Parvati - the witch. In the novel, there are key points like,

# poverty
# Birth and Death
# magic realism (also called fabulism)
# Independence
# partition

About Movie :

Midnight's children are directed by Deepa Mehta and screenplay by Salman Rushdie.  Though the movie tries to cover the major points of the novel, it has its own shortcomings. The movie also deals with the historical events like the partition of India, magic realism Emergency of 1975 in India etc. This is the story of two boy Shiva and Saleem. Maybe this is not a story of those two boys but the class difference poor and rich. As we see in the movie, Joe came to the hospital and told Mary that we have to fight against this and our fight is with rich people.

      "The Rich need to become poor and the poor rich."

This is a very interesting and relevant dialogue. Mary who is also one important character and Christian nurse in the movie, she decides to swap both the children. This is not good to sign because through this scene maybe we think that this is also the reality of our society. The plot of the story is confusing. The plot also involves the story of three generations- Saleem, his grandfather and his son. In the movie, we can find the following key points.

# class differences - rich and poor
# Magic Realism
# original and Hybridity
# political satire
# Birth and death
# symbols like Train, Spitoon, places and Touch
# Independence etc

We can clearly see the class difference in the movie. In the movie, I found one scene that was maybe the reality of our society as well. One poor lady (Vanita) comes every day and sing with her husband  (Wille) and got some money but they can not speak against white people or against rich people. So you can observe one of the scenes in which she is sexually assaulted by a white man and yet not able to resist against the same. Her husband is not able to speak against them. 

Magic realism is also an interesting point to discuss. In the starting of the movie we can find that Saleem said that,

            "Mysteriously handcuffed to history"

 and this is magic realism.
We can see that Saleem has magical powers and also there are other people who have some magical powers. Through this point may be Salman Rushdie wants to show that they are intelligent or intellectual people. The dream of poor people is a very unique one but fighting is not a solution. The background of the movie is a very interesting one. The choice of places and situations are relevant.

The starting or narration of the movie is very interesting. The movie starts with

                                "I was Born"

Symbol of a train is also an interesting one and in many movies, we can find this as a symbol. Khushwant Singh's Train to Pakistan is very interesting work to understand this symbol. Spitoon is also an important symbol, the symbol of memory and amnesia. In Saleem's character, we can see this.

We think that Muslims are rich but that meta narration is broken here. Muslims are bad this idea is also broken here. Reality is different. When Ahmed Sinai came in Bombay at that time, to purchase the property they went to one White Man,  William Methwold. The setting of the movie is very apt to the real world.
Prime Minister Indira Gandhi declared 'The Emergency' In India. The Emergency was in effect from 26 June 1975 until its withdrawal on 21 March 1977. It was not a good period. Many people especially poor people lost their lives. The movie captured this in a beautiful way.

The Reluctant Fundamentalist :

The Reluctant Fundamentalist is the best thriller movie based on the 2007 novel 'The Reluctant Fundamentalist' by Mohsin Hamid. The movie directed by Mira Nair. She is an Indian American filmmaker based in New York City. In this movie, we can find the following key points.

# corporate world and humanities
# Identity
# confusing human characters
# Master slaves relation
# Difference between New York movie and 
The Reluctant Fundamentalist (Airport Scene) 

Corporate and humanities :

The corporate world and the world of humanity both are different. After you complete your study the first thing which is important in your life is to get Job in a very good Company. The corporate world starts with business and also ends with business. The corporate world is a very different world because in this you have to give 100% to your work. You can not escape from your work. There are many Indian who wants to join this world, especially in foreign countries. The corporate sector is a union of different types of businesses. In this world, people only see their actions and knowledge. But the human world is different. They are a good observer. Their perspectives are different. We can not say that this world is good or bad.

The protagonist Changez Khan get the Job in one corporate company. He was intelligent that's why he was selected by Jim Cross. Changez's father was a good poet. His father thinks in a different way. In both the world we have to think in a different way. we can see one character in the Movie Book editor and he said Changaz that your father is a poet and he also gives him one Book. when he gives him a book at that time his Tone was very different and his way of talking with him was very different or satirical.

Identity : 

As a man What is your identity in the Society or in your Nation? we all have some image in our mind. It has been said that if people would know their True Identity then they would be happier because at the list you who you are. we have to love first ourselves. If you are living in another country for example in the Movie we can see that Changaz Live in a foreign country. Changaz was Muslim but you have to Sacrifice your identity you can not live as you are living in your country. Maybe he had no idea that he had good talent. When we know who we are then we may question everything. If you are not following the rules then their perspective toward change. we can see that after knowing the reality that he sacrifices many things at that time Changaz starting arguing or sowing his real identity. So our identity is very important. 

Confusing Human Character :

we can find one confusing female character in the Movie. Changez's relationship with Erica was a confusing one because it is not clear in the movie that she is using him or loving him. She was also responsible for her Former boyfriend. we can not say that she is a bad human being. Erica invites Changaz to the opening of her show but after that Changaze comes to know about her real intense behind living with him but we can no say that her intense was not to abuse him. In real society, we can find this kind of confusing characters.

Mater-slave relation :

As we have one famous novel by Danial Defoe "Robinson Crusoe". In this Novel, we can see that Crusoe said Friday to call him' Sir' and also he gave him the name 'Friday'. In the Movie, we can see the when Changaz told his Boss that I want to leave the Job at that time Cross told that you have to stay here because I am giving you your Salary. The most important thing he is living in their country so that he is a slave here. He has to follow them. When Britain Came in India they treated as we all are their slaves. American still think that we all are their slaves. Slaves are not free and if you are not free then there is no dignity. 


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