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Thinking Activity on 'Breath'

Hello readers, this Blog is a part of thinking activity given by the professor in which students have to interpret the 30-second play 'Breath' by Samuel Beckett. Click here to see the blog.


1. Faint light on a stage littered with miscellaneous rubbish. Hold about five seconds.
2. Faint brief cry and immediately inspiration and slow increase of light together reaching maximum - together in about ten seconds. Silence and hold for about five seconds.
3. Expiration and slow decrease of light together reaching minimum together (light as in 1) in about ten seconds and immediately cry as before. Silence and hold about five seconds.


When we think or listen about the play, at that time first we think about the time duration of the particular play. We never think about the 30-second play or even 10 minit play. So while discussing 'waiting for goat' and  ‘The Theater of the Absurd’, our professor talked about one of the shortest play 'Breath' - a thirty seconds play which is written by Samuel Beckett. 'Breath', the title of the play is a very interesting one. You may read this play in one Breath. The title is also connected with life and death. 

There are many Modern writes but if you are interested to know about the reality of society or your life then must read Samuel Beckett. His plays are very difficult to understand but apt to our life. He touches on everything from the daily passage of time, to the way humans communicate, to the overriding uncertainty that is part of every aspect of life. His famous works are,

# Molloy
# Murphy
# Malone Dies
# Waiting for Godot
# Endgame etc.

videos of the play 'Breath' :
While watching videos I found following symbols or points.

1. Lights and darkness :


We can see that in some areas there were some lightness or darkness. Lightness or we can also use the word brightness. During the Colonial period, our nation was in darkness. In the movie, Midnight's children, we can find some darker areas in which poor people are living or some bright or light areas in which Saleem and his family are living. In one of the Video, I saw that tare is no light but some lights which show you the reality of the world and you find darkness. Maybe they use some lights to show us the reality. The camera showing us the darker side and after that, you can see some garbage. In the background, you can find maybe one little baby is crying or screaming. Darkness in life is life the absurdity in life but to living life both things are important. May your darkness leads you towards your lightness.

The chaotic thing or life or meaningless :

This video may represent the second World war. In the second world war, the condition of human was very bad. We are believing in technology and think that we have all the new inventions and the treatments. We even don't care about our body by eating jug foods.

In this video, we can see fruits. we can find the messy or chaotic thing in the video. Our life is like this. Something chaotic is really out of control or disorganized. 
In this second video, I have seen fruits and compressed food which was packed humans are lying on the bed and the camera rolls over them. the first thought that came in my mind is the fruits and the packed food which may represent the very human nature that "what to choose?". we all human have tendency that everytime we have to things to choose from,we are confused. thus by this video we can see that humans are confused in their decision and which leads us towards the meaninglessness in our life and absurdity in human life. we can not even choose one from two.

This Video represents the chain of the lifelike 

Children=Teenage=Young=Old Age 

We can face many problems during all the stages of life. when we born we love to play with toys, after that when we go to the school, we may fall in love with books or Technology, after that we think about our future and Family and we run like the metro train to achieve the Goal. At last with sundown, one day Death will come. So you start your life from Sunrise or sunset.

Sunrise = Life 
sundown = death 

we are responsible for everything which happens in our life. we have to struggle a lot to achieve something. when something will happen with us at that time first we have to look at ourselves rather than blaming others. we suffer a lot to get something in life and for the suffering we are responsible.


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