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Method of English Language teaching

Hello readers, 
here I am sharing my Thinking Activity on English Language Teaching .  Click Here

The meaning of Method :

There is more misunderstanding in the field of Language teaching method than in any other. The making of a language method is a complex process. Every faculty has their own method to deal with the specific language. To teach a foreign language, teacher use 'The Direct Method'. There are also some other following methods.

1. The indirect method
2. The situation method
3. The oral method
4. The basic method
5. Grammar translation method
6. Audio lingual method etc.

But we have to ask that what does method include? So all teaching must include some sort of section of the method. Like in our department we are using presentation and grading method. So according to Merriam dictionary method means,

"a way, teaching, or process of or for doing something."

Method of English language teaching :

As we know that the method changes from teachers to teachers or students to students. Every teacher has their own method. There are some interesting following methods in our syllabus.

1. The grammar-translation method
2. The Direct and Audio lingual method
3. Total physical response (TPR) and suggestopedia method
4. The silent way

All methods are interesting.

1. Which method appealed you the most from above-given methods? Give reason.

Among all the methods, Total Physical method appealed me most then other methods. This is the method developed by James Asher, a professor of Psychology. This method is based on learning through physical activities like you can play the game. This method help students to memorize and to understand the particular topic. For example, if you are playing a word game, then you have to focus and have to think that what is your word related to the particular word which is given by others. We have done this activity in our Department. Thank our teacher Vaidehi mam. So the aim of this method is to have fun and learn. This is also a creative method. There are some following principles of the method.

1. Important of listening
2. Teachers have to wait until student acquire the language
3. In early-stage use of native language possible
4. Feedback and correction is also important

As we know that every method has advantages or disadvantages. 
So the advantages of this method are,

1. Easy to understand - a practical method
2. Does not require preparation - I do not agree with this advantage because you have to do preparation
3. A good tool to learn vocabulary - Word game
4. Class is not a problem
5. Age is not a barrier

Disadvantages of this method :

1. It is not a creative method - students involvement is important in any methods
2. Easy to overuse
3. It has limited scope

So this method is to help us to understand the particular topic. Hichki is one of the best movies. In the movie, Ms Naina Mathur used this method and in super 30, Anand Kumar used this method. There are other movies in which the teacher uses this method.

2. Tell something about the method you didn’t like from School till PG. Give Reasons.

Generally, in school days, the teacher always uses grammar-translation methods. When I was in school I faced this. This is the oldest teaching method, especially in Indian. Thompson and Wyatt gave the following three principles on which this method is based.

1. Translation interprets foreign phraseology best
2. The foreign phraseology is best assimilated by the learners in the process of interpretation
3. The structure of a foreign language is best learnt when compared and contrasted with the mother tongue.

This method is important but it is only work in a foreign language, not in regional language. During school days I noticed that first, they gave us one structure and after that, they gave us rules and exercise. But it is only work in one sentence or when we do the exercise. When we start writing at that time we may face the problem or first, we think about the rules and then we write. It is true that we have learned rules but sometimes we can break if we find some problems. So this is not an appropriate method to learn.
Another principle of this method is reading and practice. Reading is important to learn the language. Without reading you can not learn in a proper way. Sometimes it may happen that

"What you have understood, you may not write it."

There are following typical techniques of this method.

1. Translation of a passage
2. Antonyms / Synonymous
3. Cognates / Conjunction
4. Fill in the blanks
5. Make sentence etc.
So this method I didn't like from school.

3. Tell something about your favorite method used by your teacher from school till PG. How is their method unique?

Among all the methods, Direct method is a good one. Some have decreed that the direct method will be used to teach a foreign language. The direct method of teaching English is one of the most widely known methods. This method is also known as the natural method. This method originated in France in 1901. So that this is not the oldest one but a recent one. In this method, communication is very important. We can also do conversation practices. Through this method, we can improve our writing and speaking skills. The aim of this method is students should think directly in English. The main purpose of language learning is communication. So through this method, you can develop your thinking skill or you may think in a different way.


  1. Amazing! You also explained the reason and the qualities of the methods.


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