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Myth, Fiction and Displacement

Myth, Fiction and Displacement :

Introduction :
      "Myth is a conception running through multiple facilities of thought."

Myth is considered to be best form of literature for telling a story. Such an explanation must begin with the question.

     "Why did the term even get in to literary criticism?"

There can be only one answer to this question and the answer is that,

    "Myth has always been important and interesting part of literature."

The interest of poet in Myth having been remarkable and constant since homer's time. There are and therefore tow division of literary work.

Two division of literary work :

There are two division of literary works.

1. Fiction :

The formula work of literature with interesting characters and includes novel, plays, poetry, folk tales and every thing that tell a story. For example, Thomas Hardy's best novel 'Far from the madding crowd'.

2. Thematic :

In this division of literature, we can see the involvement of only two characters, readers and authors. This division includes lyrics, essay, poetry. For example, T. S Eliot's eassy on Tradition and Individual talent.

In this particular essay, we are only concern with the fiction part of literature.

Plot and narration :

In ordinary English the word 'plot' means sequence of events. It includes the total movement of sound and image on the other hand the word 'Narrative' seems more natural then plot. Both words translate 'Aristotle's Mythos.' but Aristotle meant mainly by mythos what we are calling plot or narrative in the above sense is closer to his lexis.
Aristotle says,

    "Plot is the life and soul of Tragedy."

The plot is the imitation of an action and character exist as function of the plot. According to the novel of Scott,

"A summary of plot has much the same effect on the as a summary of 'last night dream'."

Theme :

Theme has distinguishable elements.

1. Subject
2. Elegy translation
3. Mythos

Now in the conception of theme there are number of elements and one of them is subject. The subject of 'Hamlet' is Hamlet's element to revenge on an uncle who has murdered his father and married his mother.

        "This is the story of a man who couldn't make up his mind"

 In this type of element, character name show their personality. For example, In the novel 'The strange case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr Hyde', the character of Hyde, we only know the name of this character but Hyde is hidden personality of Dr. Jekyll.

Tragic and comic plot :

Comedy has a 'U' shaped plot with the action sinking in a deep and tragic event and suddenly truing upward in to happy ending. On the other hand, tragedy has inverted 'U' shaped with the action rising in happiness and then taking you downward to tragic series.

Folk tales :

Folk tales tell us nothing credible about the life or manners of any society. They do not even care whether their characters are man, ghost or animal. Folk tales have simply different story pattern, uncomplicated and easy to remember. But it is seldom explained even the greatest writer are interested in such tales. Everyone think that it is easy to understand folk tales but according to me, it is not easy. Sometimes you may find difficulty to understand.

Fiction :

The popular fiction in such story are looser for more flexible than the classical novels. In such works two aspects which we have defined as a plot and theme. Both are very close. In reading fiction, there are two kind if recognition.

"One of continuous recognition of credibility, fidelity and experience."

Myth :

According to Northrop Frye,

   "Myth means a certain type of story."

It is a strut in which some of chief characters are gods or other begins larger than power in humanity. It's action takes place in the word above or prior to ordinary times. So like folk tales,it has an different story pattern.

Frye mentions,

"God for the critic, whether he finds him in 'Paradise Lost' or 'The Bible', is a character in a human story; and for the critic all epiphanies are explained, not in terms of the riddle of a possessing god or devil, but as mental phenomena closely associated in their origin with dreams."

Two conceptual principles of Myth are

1. Analogue

Analogy establishes the parallel between human life and human character.

2. Identity

Identity refers 'sun Gods' or 'three Gods' myth relates with the human cycle of life, death and rebirth.

Myth may be told or retold. It may be modified or elaborated or different pattern may be discover.

"Myth is looking at literature existence parallel by looking beyond the movement of time."

Displacement :

    "Displacement is all about making a particular story look visible."

Displacement makes the story credible as well as acceptable and convincing. Myth looks more powerful in a fiction.
   "Myth, Fiction and Displacement are inter related. Stringed as one."

Conclusion :

On the basis of what we have written, we can come to a conclusion that myth deals with fiction in order to continue as about certain aspects in a concread manner and make it acceptable. According to Northrop Frye, literature is above religious. but myth is form in fiction so we can not displacement it. Time is character in myth. Anything which is believe without knowing truth or proof is called Myth and myth is illustration. Thinking power is very important to understand myth.


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