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The Sense of an ending - learning outcome

Hello readers,

This Blog is a part of my  thinking activity given by Professor Dr. Dilip Barad in which students have to write their learning outcome. In new literature, sir gave us one group task in which we have to give the basic information about the text and we have to find ten authentic sources. We also have to write our learning outcome or how this particular text shaped me/us.

The Sense of an Ending is a novel by Julian Barnes.The Sense of an Ending was awarded the Man Booker Prize. In the novel, there were following major characters. 

1. Tony Webster
2. Adrian Finn
3. Veronica Ford
4. Mrs. Sarah Ford
5. Jack Ford
6. Margaret
7. Susie
8. Robson

Click here to read the summery of the text. 

Tony Webster is the narrator of the story and he is at the center of the novel around whom the other characters are revealed. This is also known as memory novel. In the novel, Tony recall how he and his other two friends, Alex and Colin, meet Adrian Finn at the school and also vowed to remain friends for life time. The first part begins in the 1960s. Adrian is second most important character in the novel. According to me, Adrian's characters is more interesting than Tony. Adrian is true philosopher. After school, Tony takes admission in Bristol University and Adrian takes admission in Cambridge University. Tony had one girlfriend name Veronica. Tony receives some documents and amount from Mrs. Sarah Ford who is Veronkica's mother. After that Tony tries to contact Veronica because he want to know the truth. Veronica is ex-girlfriend of Tony and her character is very complicated. Margaret is Tony's ex-wife and Susie is his daughter. 

Theme :

Following are the main themes of the novel.

1. Love
2. Class conflict
3. Life or death
4. Sex
5. Memory, truth, guilt

Learning outcome :

        "The more you learn, the less you fear. 'learn' not in the sense of academic study, but in the practical understanding of life."
             (The sense of an ending - page 82)

Yes, it is true. When I read this book, at that time I understand that what I have to do. For example, everyone says that you learn something from your own mistakes. If fear fades in your mind, you probably won't learn anything. Making a mistake is a part of life, but it is foolish to be afraid of making a mistake. If you think that this is what I teach or learn, you probably won't learn what you want to learn. As it is said that the more you know, the less you fear. Our sir always says us that when you learn something, try to apply it in another text and Movie or any other social aspects. When you apply specific topic or theory on another text or movie, you will see it in more depth and remember even more.

    "How often do we tell our own life story? How often do we adjust,embellish,make sly cuts? And the longer life goes on,the fewer are those around to challenge our account, to remind us that our life is not life,merely the story we have told about our life. Told to other, but-mainly -to ourselves."
                                                        (The sense of an ending - Page No. 95 )


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