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A Cup of Tea by Katherine Mansfield

Short story :

A Cup of Tea by Katherine Mansfield :

A Cup of Tea is written by Katherine Mansfield, British author. She is regarded as one of the master of the short story. She sent to London for a musical career but under the strong influence of the short stories of Chekovess, she started writing the short story at the of Eighteen. Her first volume of short stories 'In a German Pension' was not remarkable and achieved little fame. She achieved instant fame with the publication of 'Bliss and Other stories'.

Mansfield's stories which reveal the influence of Chekovee are simple in form and evaluative in substance with delicate plainness they present elusive moments of decision, defeat and small triumph.

In the the story, 'A Cup of Tea' Katherine Mansfield talk about the life of Rosemary, rich and well loved young woman. She belongs to upper class family. For her fashion and show remains the end of the life. Other women are very interesting in her clothes and the shows. In the story there were other characters such as Philip who is Rosemary's husband, Miss Smith, the poor girl picked up by Rosemary and Jeanne, a housemaid.

After shopping at the antique store, she is met by one young girl named Miss Smith. She begs her for money for a cup of tea. So Rosemary think to brings her back to her own home and she treats Miss Smith to a taste of her luxurious lifestyle. Here we have to think that Rosemary is kind woman or wants to show up. She is rich and Miss Smith is poor. So may Rosemary wants to show her that she belongs to upper class and she is kind woman who wants to help her.
Rosemary's husband Philip initially disapproves. Philip said that Miss Smith is very pretty. But Rosemary doesn't like that. When Rosemary refuses to dismiss Miss Smith, Philip tries the more successful tactic of playing on Rosemary's jealousy. After retrieving some money, Rosemary sends Miss Smith away. After that she informed her husband. Rosemary then asks about an item which she wanted to buy at the antique store and she also asks Philip that,

        "Am I Pretty?"

So in the story we can find some themes such as

1. Class - upper and lower
2. Jealousy
3. Feminism
4. Materialism

Class - upper and lower :

When I read this story, I thought, the story represents our real society. In our society there were many Rosemary Fell and Miss Smith. This is our real India in which we can find that, there were people who don't have money to drink water. The character of Miss Smith represents our poor people. The character of Rosemary Fell represents the upper class people or society like Ambani families.

But Rosemary's character is different to others. It is also interesting that Rosemary thinks it is ‘extraordinary’ that Miss Smith has no money. This would again suggest that Rosemary is different from other people. She can’t imagine that somebody would have no money.  It is also interesting that Rosemary, while Miss Smith is in her bedroom having tea, leaves Miss Smith’s hat and coat on the floor. By doing so Mansfield may be suggesting that in Rosemary’s eyes, Miss Smith is not her equal.

Materialism :

We can also find the symbol of box that Rosemary sees in the antique shop and she wants to buy it. By showing this, Mansfield may be highlighting the importance of material things to Rosemary.

Jealousy :

Rosemary’s change of attitude towards Miss Smith after Philip tells her that he thinks Miss Smith is pretty is also interesting one. She also feels insecure after hearing this from Philip.  By telling Rosemary that Miss Smith is pretty Philip is aware that it will result in Rosemary not only feeling jealous but it will also ensure that Miss Smith leaves their home, just as Philip wants her to.


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