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Preface to the play of Shakespeare by Samuel Johnson :

Preface to the play of Shakespeare by Samuel Johnson :

In this essay, Samuel Johnson wishes to justify the relevant of Shakespeare even after so many years. Most of the dramatist, write about Authors style as well as the language but Johnson does not used any hyperbolic language for any character which make the plot relatable. According to him, other dramatist can only gain attention by hyperbolic characters, by good language, by fabulous excellence. But when we read Shakespeare play, we comes to know that, Shakespeare does not have any heroes, he only has characters who would an act in the same manner as the normal person would in that situation.

"Even where the agency is supernatural the dialogue level with life."

Shakespeare wrote what he observed. Sometimes Shakespeare represents the event which is not happen but it may possible or it were possible. His drama is considered to be a Mirror of life which represents human sentiments in a very believable language.

"History requires Romans and Kings but he thinks only about Men."

The play of Shakespeare are sometimes beyond tragedies or Comedies. It is in a very distinct in nature Shakespeare's play are not in the rigorous and Critical sense either tragedies or Comedies, but composition a distinct kind. He represents the character which partake of good and evil, Joy and sorrow, mingal with endless variety of proportion. He was one of the rare writer who wrote both tragedies as well as Comedies with the same kind of expertise.
Earlier, there were three basic style of writing drama that are tragedies, Comedies, and history and Shakespeare had his command over all the three style of writing. During Shakespearean time, tragedy and comedy were treated equally. Further more he also wrote history in the form of historical plays. Shakespeare engaged himself in writing drama and poetry. He wrote poetry when the rules of writing were not non and as the result it can be said that he had a natural played of writing poetry which later on became his own style of writing.

"His comedy pleases by the thought and the language and his tragedy for the greater part by incident and action."

Shakespeare was good at tragedy but was extraordinary with comedy. Comic scenes are totally dependent on the manner and words.

Following are some negative points of view about his writing :

The plots are often so loosely formed that a very slight consideration may improve them, and so carelessly pursued. Shakespeare has perhaps more negative as compare to positive in his writing. He had no regard to distinction of time place but gives to one age or nation. Chance factor is supposed to be the main study of Shakespearean drama. The later part of Play are totally neglected and it is evident at the end. In his comic scene, he is seldom very successful when he engages his characters in reciprocation of smartness and contests of sarcasm. The fiction is sometimes pompous which make an ending. 


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