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Moby Dick by Herman Melville

Hello readers,

This blog is a part of my thinking activity in which we have to write what we understand. So in this blog, I wants to tell something about one of the best novel Moby Dick which is written by Herman Melville.

About Author :

Herman Melville was an American novelist, poet of the American Renaissance period and short story writer. His notable works are magnum opus, Moby-Dick (1851), and Typee (1846), a romantic account of his experiences of Polynesian life.

Moby Dick :

Moby Dick is a novel written by one of the best writer Herman Melville. This is an epic tale of the voyage of the whaling ship the Pequod. The protagonist of the novel is Captain Ahab who relentlessly pursues the great Sperm Whale during a journey around the world. The narrator of the novel is Ishmael and he is a sailor on the Pequod.
The novel begins with the line,
              "Call me Ishmael"

American Dream :

Throughout the history, American people believe that we are great and they. They are loving with the American Dream. They have hope and belief that America is the best place to live and they are believe that we will provide all the necessary thinks to people. American dreams began after American independence movement. In America there were party like Liberalist and they decided that we will prove that our nation is best or greatest nation of the world. Romantic age in American movement is full of this American dreams. There are cases where the Romantics and the critics have try to break this American dream idea. They are saying that American dream is just an illusion and we should not completely blind by this kind of think.

In Moby Dick or in The old man and the sea we can find this dream. In this novel, Herman Melville questioning the idea of American Dream. Captain Ahab is fighting with Moby Dick, no in hoping the catch the fish but he wants to defeat Moby Dick. We can see revenge motif in the novel.

In old man and the sea written by Earnest Hemingway, he write same story but in this novella, we can see that old man wants to achieve this American dream, The giant fish Marlin. Old man is constantly in a hope in achieving the American dream.So, in both the novel, we can find same concept with different view points. 



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